At the heart of Machakos town, the air buzzed with the sounds of loudspeakers as a gathering of officials from Machakos County and representatives from the corporate sector united to support Girl Child Day. Two thousand girls from different parts of Machakos County came together to celebrate and learn new life skills that would enable them to excel academically and in life.

MOMO Pencils had the privilege of attending the event, where we donated eco-friendly pencils to over one thousand girls. We also took this opportunity to explain our impact on the Machakos community. The eco-friendly pencils were not only a practical gift but also an educational tool, demonstrating the importance of sustainability. Using these pencils taught the girls firsthand the value of reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling.

Our community social responsibility initiatives have already made significant strides. In the first phase of our Hope for Literacy Campaign, ten schools in Machakos have benefited. We planted 1,000 fruit trees and donated 25,000 pencils to marginalized pupils, making a substantial impact on the community. These efforts underscore our commitment to literacy and environmental conservation.

This event was a lifetime opportunity for the pupils, emphasizing the importance of environmental responsibility. Participants were encouraged to take personal responsibility for their actions towards the environment, fostering a culture of conservation.

However, these young girls face numerous challenges within their communities, leading to high dropout rates from school. The event highlighted the critical need to support these girls, ensuring they have the resources and encouragement to overcome these obstacles and pursue their education.

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